MK Sports

Maschkan and Kux Sports Gmbh is an Austrian based company that specializes in sport consulting and corporate fitness. Christian´s partnership with MK-Sports kicked off in 2017 when he first started assisting fitness instructors and observing classes.

The partnership progressed in 2019, when Christian took on several roles within the organization to fulfill his collegiate internship. From coaching fitness classes, organizing social media efforts, aiding in photo/video shoots, and being wherever was needed, the internship provided a genuine hands-on experience in his field of interest. This experience was the very last obligation he needed to perform to graduate from the University of Florida, a dream Christian had been chasing for over ten years.

After the internship, Christian continued working with MK-Sports, and their relationship grew stronger. As the business continues to grow, MK strives to maintain its unique family-feel, a value Christian identified and cherished from the very beginning.